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Cultural Council Minutes 09-26-16


Bolton Cultural Council Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2016 at 7 pm

Present at the Lois Alex Meeting Room: Margot Brody, Bharti Bhakta, Peter Kaufman, Nan Shnitzler, Teresa Sauer
Absent: Pat Bensetler, Julia Quinn-Szcesuil, Lisa Vickers

  • Peter noted he was sworn in and took the online ethics training.
  • We signed reimbursements forms.
  • Thanks to Bharti who put a questionnaire with the free tickets at the library, we got feedback on Gmail from the Freeds who took tickets to Worcester Chamber Music Society and enjoyed it very much.
We talked about reimbursements and funding. Margot said some numbers weren’t adding up and we seem to be in deficit funding right now for 2016. Margot is going to double check with Town Accountant Ninotchka Rogers.

Discussion about how municipal entities can raise money.
Nan action: How can Cultural Councils raise money? We heard that some do. Suggestion: start with the BCC.

MOTION: include a flyer about the Cultural Council in the welcome kit for new residents. AYE. Unanimous.

Action items
Nan will write of the first draft of the flyer and send it around for input.
Nan to talk to Pat about Survey Monkey

Next meeting
Oct. 24; potential agenda: see about funds, fundraising, survey monkey